Ockupationsleken är Doris debutroman. Medan hon ännu gick i gymnasiet skrev hon en arg ungdomsroman om skolan, Ockupationsleken som 1971 gavs ut på Rabén & Sjögren. Den publicerades även i Danmark, Storbritannien och i USA.
Romanen väckte stor uppmärksamhet och Doris medverkade i bland annat i Kvällsöppet och Bokfönstret.
”This is a marvelous book – it captures all the frustration, fear, and most of all the mind-killing boredom perpetuated by school systems. It has all the fine anger of the young – only a young person could have written it; once out of the system a merciful blurring of memory occurs […] It should ve read by adults as well as young people. For the young it can express what they may find difficult to articulate, but for the older ones, it will sharpen the memory of what was, for most, a calculated, chilling attempt to force conformity on us all”
(S.E Hinton, ”News from Viking”, 21 januari, 1974).